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St. Bridget Catholic Church | 2103 Lexington Road | Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 | (816) 540-4563 |
This week's BULLETIN
To view previous week's bulletins, go to "Parish Bulletins" above and select "Weekly Bulletins"
Mass Schedule
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Tuesday 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday 6:00 p.m.
Thursday 9:00 a.m.
First Friday 6:00 p.m.
Holy Days of Obligation: Check bulletin
Confession Schedule
Sunday 7:30 - 7:50 a.m.
Second Saturday After Mass
Tuesday and Thursday 8:25 - 8:50 a.m.
Thursday 6:15 - 6:45 p.m.
Wednesday & First Friday 5:25 - 5:50 p.m.
In addition, by appointment.
Father Vogel's Sunday Homily (audio)
02 Lent: Are you listening?
03/16/25 9:21 am
02 Lent: Are you listening?
Read More01 Lent: (Deacon Morgan) Spiritual Desert
03/08/25 6:25 pm
01 Lent: (Deacon Morgan) Spiritual Desert
Read MoreAsh Wednesday
03/05/25 10:30 am
Ash Wednesday
Read MoreFinance/Parish Council
Chairman: Rick Kitchell
Mark Bock
Gary Crabtree
Bob Dostal
Robert Radmacher
Welcome to our web site! We try to keep the most important information posted here, but if you can't find something you are looking for, or it's not on one of the social media sites, please give us a call at (816) 540-4563.
We invite you to come worship with us at the altar of Jesus Christ. He will speak to you through His Living Word. He is made present in the Eucharistic, the source and summit of our faith. Catholics, non-Catholics, everyone is invited into the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in community, Word and Eucharist.
Parish registration forms can be downloaded, picked up in the back of church or the parish office. We are glad you are here and look forward to getting to know you.
Prayer Chain
If you wish to be added to the prayer chain,
please contact the parish office.
Office Hours
Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
National Catholic Register
Human Embryos Aren’t Property, Virginia Judge Rules
03/22/25 12:17 am
Read MoreWorldwide Catholic Population Hits 1.4 Billion
03/22/25 12:11 am
Read MoreIdaho Governor Signs Bill to Protect Religious, Conscience Rights of Doctors and Nurses
03/22/25 12:08 am
Read MoreVatican News
Pope Francis to be discharged from hospital on Sunday
03/22/25 11:54 am
Pope Francis is scheduled to be discharged from hospital on Sunday, 23 March. He will return to Casa Santa Marta after the Angelus, during which he will greet and bless the faithful from a window of the Gemelli Hospital at noon.
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Read MoreNetanyahu’s difficulties are behind the return of war in Gaza
03/22/25 10:38 am
Political turmoil in Israel helps explain the collapse of the ceasefire agreement with Hamas.
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Read MoreUkraine: Pain, loss, faith, hope and resilience
03/22/25 10:15 am
The head of the JRS International Reconciliation Programme speaks of the ongoing sorrow, fear and grief of war-struck Ukrainians alongside the crucial humanitarian and spiritual support provided by the Church. Despite donor fatigue, the need for aid remains critical and the people look to the world for continued support.
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