The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combatting sexual abuse in the Church.
If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse:
- Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.392.3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18).
- Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911.
- If the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, report the suspected abuse to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Joe Crayon, at 816.812.2500 or
The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families.
Please contact the Victim Advocate at 816.392.0011 or for more information.
Addressing Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
Visit Virtus Online:
Diocesan Policies for Clergy, Staff, Coordinators and Ministers of youth, and adult volunteers serving in ministry with youth
All volunteers age 18 and older serving in ministry with youth are required to:
Complete the Screening Form (State/Federal Background check)
Attend Virtus’ Protecting God’s Children class
Sign a ‘Code of Conduct’ form
These documents are kept on file in the parish office. It is the responsibility of the Pastor or Pastoral Administrator or his/her designated representative to review the Screening Form for Volunteers Working with Minors.
Volunteer and personal references are always be checked when a person applying to volunteer has:
Not been a member of the parish for at least three years.
Indicated a lapse in service in other volunteer settings.
It is recommended that all volunteers in ministry with youth should receive a copy of the:
Standards of Conduct
Job Description
Other diocesan policies and forms as deemed appropriate by the Pastor and/or Safety Director.
Adults working with youth must:
Never be alone with a youth whether in a vehicle or in the building.
Adults and youth cannot be in a room with a child which a key is necessary to enter but not necessary to lock the door.
When working one on one with youth, the adult must work with this youth in a visible location.
Adults ~ Protecting God’s Children for Adults
All personnel and volunteers age 18 and older who interact with any child/children are required to attend a Virtus – Protecting God’s Children training session that teaches the warning signs of abuse. Volunteers include but are not limited to catechists, childcare for meetings or events, drivers, and chaperones. Participants learn strategies for maintaining safe environments and how to handle suspected abuse. The program mandates ongoing continuing education for directors of programs for children and youth, clergy, teachers and child care staff.
Protecting God’s Children puts everyone in the community on the same page – priests, deacons, pastoral workers, school staff, and parents – and raises the awareness of abuse. Through consistent education and outreach, adults can effectively impact the incidence of abuse.
Regarding Children (age 17 and under)
When taking care of children on church property a minimum of two adults and/or teenagers needs to be present in the same room as the child/children.
Adults need to have a background check and go through Virtus’ Protecting God’s Children class. If an emergency situation arises out of your control, at least one adult should have the necessary classes. The adult who has not been trained may never be alone with any child.
Childcare location must be visible to someone walking by.
The adult/teen may not be in a room with a child which a key is necessary to enter but not necessary to lock the door.
Children may never be left alone in a building or vehicle.
Office of Child and Youth Protection, Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph
Independent Ombudsman Joseph Crayon 816-812-2500
Victim Assistance Coordinator Michelle Graff 816-714-2357
Director Destiny Jackson 816-714-2380