A little about the two talks Steve will be presenting:
Pagans worshiped many gods. Christians were allowed to worship Jesus along with the pagan gods as one among equals. Caesar too claimed divinity. But Christians said, “No!” They would bow only to the one true God and refused to burn incense to pagan deities. Because of their unflagging principals, they became persecuted outcasts, treated with malice.
Sound familiar? With his usual enthusiasm, Steve explains how culture is falling back into a new paganism (we call it pluralism) with the West, worshipping at the altars of comfort, affluence, and self indulgence. He’ll get your heart pumping as he challenges you to swim upstream and make a deadly choice: to stay faithful or keep your head and lose your soul.
“Defending the Eucharist” Based on the Gospels - St. John defends the Real Presence
Steve clearly explains the Biblical basis for the Eucharist in the Old and New Testaments and the early Church. With his customary style of humor and hard- hitting facts, Steve will help you understand and defend the Blessed Sacrament.
If you are unable to make it Saturday night. There will be another opportunity to see and listen to Steve Ray.
The next day, Sunday, March 30, 2025, after the 10:15 a.m. mass at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Holden, Missouri.
Steve will be presenting the same two talks after lunch. Click below to RSVP for March 30th.